About Us
Investigations, Inc.
Comprehensive Investigations, Inc.
P O Box 243
Forest Hill, MD  21050
Phone:  (410) 252-6511    Fax:  (410) 252-6533
Bridging the Gap of Uncertainty

Please call for all current rates.

 Area #1:

10 hours of spot checks and short surveillance periods to determine if the
claimant is employed and/or physically active during the morning and afternoon hours.

Surveillances - depending on the claimant's daily activities.

All expenses including travel time, M.V.A. records, mileage, tolls, video tape, and other
computer database information.  Excludes criminal, traffic, and/or other database searches.

Wicomico County, MD to Southern Sussex County, DE, Salisbury, Mardella Springs,
Fruitland, MD and Delmar, Laurel, DE.

Area #2:

10 hours of spot checks and short surveillance periods to determine if the
claimant is employed and/or physically active during the morning and afternoon hours.

Surveillances - depending on the claimant's daily activities.

All expenses including travel time, M.V.A. records, mileage, tolls, video tape, and other
computer database information.  Excludes criminal, traffic, and/or other database searches.

Somerset County, Worcester County, MD Crisfield, Pokomoke, Snow Hill, Princess Anne, MD
Sussex County, DE to Cambridge, MD

Pre-Surveillance Activity Check Program (PSACP)
Eastern Shore Region
Comprehensive Investigations, Inc.
has a satellite office located in
Fenwick Island, Delaware,  
just minutes from
Ocean City, Maryland on the
Eastern Shore.  
From this location we have the
ability to investigate claims and
conduct surveillance on the
shores of Maryland and Delaware
without having to charge client's
for travel hours and mileage from
the Baltimore area.  This saves
our clients money and time
which can be used for
additional surveillance and
investigative efforts.